Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tips! - Removing Mildew from Shower Doors

Tips! From Time Saver Maids

Removing Mildew from Shower Doors

If you have shower doors, it is important to keep them sparkling clean and free from mildew so that your bathroom remains sanitary, smells good, and looks its best. Mildew is a fungus that thrives in moist areas, particularly on shower doors because of the small, enclosed space, heat, and moisture in your bathroom. It can leave your bathroom smelling musty and sour-like.

Maintaining clean, mildew-free shower doors is less unpleasant than having to clean off mildew once it has formed, so always clean your shower doors when you have finished showering. Encourage others in your household to follow this same cleaning and drying procedure. The 7 steps below will not only assist you in preventing the growth of mildew on your shower doors, but will help you in cleaning your doors if mildew has already developed.

Things you will need:

  • Clean cloth
  • Bristle brush
  • Bucket of water mixed with chlorine bleach
  • Rubber gloves

Step 1 – Keep Shower Doors Dry

The best way to maintain mildew-free shower doors is to keep the mildew from forming. To do this, keep moisture off the doors as much as possible by using a clean, dry towel or cloth after you or members of your household finish showering. This will thoroughly dry the doors. By doing this on an on-going basis, you will be able to prevent the mildew from breeding and adhering to your shower doors.

Step 2 – Maintain Low Humidity

Because humidity is a key factor in encouraging mildew growth, by the simple act of turning on your bathroom fan when you are bathing, showering, or when there is otherwise moist air in your bathroom you will help inhibit mildew growth. Don’t have a fan? Then open a window or use a humidifier or room fan to dehumidify the room. Or, simply increase the air circulation by turning on the AC or its blower.

Step 3 – Leave Lights on

Leave the bathroom lights on while you are showering and for about fifteen minutes afterward. Light reduces the growth of mildew spores, as they seem to thrive best in a dark, dank environment. Sunny bathrooms inhibit mildew growth.

Step 4 – Leave Shower Doors Open

After showering and wiping off the shower doors, keep them open so there is better air circulation, which will inhibit mildew growth.

Step 5 – Avoid Using Soap

Use a shower gel instead of hand soap when you shower. This will help prevent scum buildup that eventually creates a growth environment for mildew.

Step 6 – Clean off Mildew

If mildew has adhered to your shower doors, you can use a simple solution consisting of five cups of water to one cup of chlorine bleach. Use this solution to scrub off the offensive mildew. It will not only clean the mildew off shower doors but will also disinfect the doors. Use a stiff bristle brush, apply the water/chlorine solution to the entire door, and begin scrubbing. For areas where using a larger brush makes it difficult for you to reach mildew, such as in crevices or the metal door tracking area, use an old toothbrush to scrub these areas. Be sure to discard the toothbrush after using it.