Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tips! - Can You Remove Crayon from Fabric? - From Time Saver Maids

Tips! From Time Saver Maids
Can You Remove Crayon from Fabric?

Crayon melted on clothing or other fabrics may seem impossible to remove. All you need are a few cleaning supplies and some time to remove crayon from fabric.

Non-washable Fabric

Apply ice to any caked on crayon to harden it. Use a butter knife to carefully scrape off excess. Test an inconspicuous spot on the fabric and place it on an absorbent pad. Flush the stain with a dry cleaning solvent and allow to air dry. Repeat if necessary

Washable Fabric

Scrape off any excess crayon material. Spray laundry stain remover on the spots and let sit for 5 minutes. Soak clothes in hot water and 1 cup Oxyclean for 1/2 hour to 1 hour. Wash in hot water with 1 cup Borax, 1 cup white vinegar, 1 cup Oxyclean and 1 cup laundry detergent. Repeat if necessary.

Upholstery and Carpet

Apply ice and scrape off excess crayon with a butter knife. Apply WD40 to the stained area and let it sit 5 minutes. Scrub area with a brush, wipe with an absorbent cloth and repeat as necessary. Apply dishwashing liquid and rub it into the stain. Wipe off with an absorbent towel and rinse with a damp sponge.
Crayon doesn't have to mean the end of your fabrics.